The Anatomy of Small Business Finance

Asset Finance can be a crucial tool for businesses from any sector in helping them spread the cost of vital equipment. Here we look at how both asset finance and short and long-term business loans can help your business succeed.

Anatomy of a Construction Firm

When it comes to finance, the construction sector face a number of key challenges, not least the rising cost of raw materials and equipment. Couple this with extended payment terms and increasing legislation and its no wonder that the smaller construction firms find it difficult to free up the cash flow they to grow.

Anatomy of a Dentist Practice

Covering the cost of key investment and repeat expenditure from cash flow can be tough. For dentists equipment can be expensive, but there are other costs that put pressure on cash flow. Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) is one of the largest costs your practice may face and can often be a significant drain on your cash flow.

Anatomy of a Creative Agency

As well as spreading the cost of expensive equipment purchases with Asset Finance, short term loans can be used to support a broad range of business purposes, including software licences, which are key to any successful creative agency.

Anatomy of a Gym

Setting up a new gym is expensive and the initial outlay on equipment will dent most company’s cash flow. But it’s also vital for new gyms to attract members. A business development loan can help spread the cost of marketing and advertising, enabling your gym to power ahead.

Asset Finance

Whatever your industry, our options will help you to invest in the equipment you need to operate more efficiently and effectively.

Typically, asset finance is secured on assets or equipment, and provides you with the added flexibility of being able to replace or upgrade at the end of your agreement. What’s more your equipment could start paying for itself from day one.

If you are looking to generate working capital your existing equipment could be key. Refinance can be considered on a range of plant and machinery assets, from vehicles, trailers, and agricultural or engineering equipment to yellow plant, to name just a few.

With finance terms available from 12 months to 5 years (depending on equipment), it can help you spread the cost of the useful life of the equipment, without interrupting its day to day use.

Business Loans

Recurring expenses such as VAT or Corporation Tax can often happen at the most inopportune time for many smaller businesses. Spreading the cost of these expenses with a short-term loan can help you protect your cash flow and allow you to invest in other areas to help your business grow.

Longer term loans can also help you invest in marketing and advertising, renovations or key training for your staff.

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If you are looking to find the right finance for your business, contact us today.

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