Does My Business Need Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Understanding Professional Indemnity Insurance ( PII)

Sectors where PII is mandatory


For accountancy professionals, particularly those certified by ACCA, holding PII is mandatory. ACCA members with a practice certificate must maintain up-to-date PII policies, especially with the new regulations coming into effect. ACCA has announced, “PII policy renewals on or after 1 January 2024 must comply with new requirements. All existing PII policies must comply with the new requirements by 1 January 2025.”

To remain compliant and avoid cash flow issues during tight deadlines, consider professional indemnity insurance financing as a solution.

If you are an ICAEW member engaging in public practice, PII is also non-negotiable. ICAEW provides a list of approved insurers that members must use, ensuring that your coverage meets regulatory standards.


In the legal profession, PII is equally essential. The Solicitors Regulation Authority mandates that all new firms must have PII before they can begin practising. There is a required minimum level of coverage that every firm must adhere to, ensuring protection against claims.

The renewal periods for PII in the legal sector are generally in April and October, with policies typically covering 12 months. In Scotland, the Law Society of Scotland sets the renewal date as November 1st, with renewal papers usually issued 4-5 weeks in advance.

Given the high sensitivity of client information handled by accountants and solicitors, it’s clear why PII is mandatory. These professionals are particularly vulnerable to claims of negligence, making robust insurance coverage essential.

Sectors where PII is recommended

While PII is mandatory for some sectors, it is highly recommended for others where the risk of claims is significant

Architects: If a building designed by an architect is found to be faulty or unsafe, PII can protect against professional negligence claims.

Business Consultants: Consultants whose advice results in negative outcomes for their clients, such as financial losses, can face claims for damages.

Surveyors: A surveyor may face claims if they fail to identify or address issues in a structure during their assessment.

Engineers: Whether civil or mechanical, engineers may be liable for damages due to unsatisfactory or unsafe work. Infringement of intellectual property (IP) is another potential risk.

Risk Management: Firms in this sector could face claims of professional negligence if they fail to mitigate risks adequately, leading to harm or damage.

Town Planning: Town planners’ work often impacts large groups of people, making them vulnerable to a wide range of claims, making PII crucial.

IT Consultants: IT consultancies may face claims of professional negligence or breach of confidence if they fail to address network vulnerabilities effectively.

Education: Educational companies need to safeguard personal information and avoid IP infringement, both of which could lead to claims.

Why PII Matters Across Sectors

Across all these sectors, PII serves to cover legal fees and any damages or costs awarded if a claim is successful. Additionally, having PII can enhance your business’s reputation, giving potential clients more confidence in your services.

Additional Considerations: Public Liability Insurance

Alongside PII, some businesses may also require Public Liability Insurance, especially if your operations involve interacting with clients or the public on their premises or yours. This insurance protects against accidents or harm that may occur in these settings.


If your PII renewal is approaching and budget constraints are a concern, consider financing your payment. Spreading the cost over monthly instalments can ease the immediate financial burden and ensure your business remains protected without interruption. Starting the renewal process early is wise, allowing you to maintain continuous coverage.

Stay covered, stay protected, and maintain a healthy cash flow

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